Friday, October 7, 2011

Realizations of a human mind --- Part 1 :P

Well, as the post says, realizations of the human mind… well, first off I realized that, the human mind gets bored of depression, u may feel depressed for a long period of time, but when you are feeling the lowest, it will not want to feel more depressed. Its when you are feeling the lowest, that u will rebound and come back to your senses. Just accept the state you are in, accept that this is a result of the past, accept that its ok, its fine to feel this way, accept that you are weak as you human. Do yourself a favour and give yourself time to heal, time to get back to where you want to be. Don’t try to fix the problem consciously, try to just divert your mind to other priorities.

Now, when I talk of priorities, you should give yourself the first priority, do things that make “u” happy, let your mind be free, not bound by anything, well that is love in its true form, to be free, so if u love yourself, set your mind free, let it go, let it think what it is thinking, don’t bind it with anything.. you are not bound to do anything, and you are never ever bound to hold on to the past…

Well, secondly after you have accepted that you are depressed and don’t want to stay that way, accept that this didn’t work, and not cling to it, in the hope that it will work, some hopes don’t bear fruit, so we should let go… accept that this won’t change by your clinging to it, leave it, learn to trust yourself that you exist even if the past doesn’t. Sometimes when something didn’t work out in the past, we stop trusting ourselves, like I had stopped.

But one thing we tend to forget here is, the person we are within, our soul, is still the same, no one ever can change that, not even drastic circumstances. We have to believe there is a hero within us:
There's a hero If you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid Of what you are .There's an answer If you reach into your soul. And the sorrow that you know Will melt away. And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on. And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive. So wen u feel like hope is gone. Look inside u and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in YOU......a song by Mariah Carey…..

So believe there is a HERO, in u, a beautiful wonderful person that God created. Sometimes some very superficial things cloud our mind of who we are, we forget our essence, our true being. We forget the beauty of our soul, but you will be reminded of urself when you see yourself being just the way you were… I was reminded of this myself…. You just have to go back to being you, just how you were…… and its possible!!! Just give yourself a chance… :-)

In the end, God has a plan, a wonderful plan, and you will reach your destiny, the one God has planned for you, even if you took a detour, God will pave another path for you, and you will reach it.. because that’s how it is….. :-)